Archive for the ‘Lesson Learnt’ Category

Open Your mouth.. And Say Wahhhhh

Just a few days back I read in The Star about the newest scientific finding about yawning. I tried to find the source in thestar online but to no avail. So I checked the google and this is apparently where the news come from. Click Here.

Just to summarize – Previously we thought that yawning is a sign of sleepiness. Then there’s that theory that yawning is supposed to supply us with extra volume of oxygen to be supplied to the brain, making us more awake. The new finding however said that yawning is actually meant to cool down the brain temperature for it to be awake.

Now why do I find this interesting? Because finally the biggest mystery in my life was explained which is why yawning is contagious. You do realize that, when ever another person yawn, it is almost surely we will yawn anytime soon. I’ve been wondering for so long already. According to the study, contagious yawn maybe evolved to help groups remain vigilant against danger, for example taking guard duty at night time. (Just want to share with you)

The funny thing is…. human have been around for what? thousands of years? and we still haven’t figure out why we yawn. Theories arised but they are constantly challenged and corrected. We just have no idea.

In the end, it is proven that yawning is for our own good. It has always been. Maybe… just maybe, we should always think positive to those thing that we don’t understand (yet) and beyond our control such as nightmare, menopause (not that I have one :p) etc.

Amazingly they researched yawning… I wonder what else we should research on?

————— Personal Note ————————–
A friend of mine actually taught me to yawn everytime my lense is dry. This was when I started to use lense way years before. It actually work. Whenever I stuck in a heavily-air-conditioned mall, my eyes will get dry. That’s how I solved that problem. So if you see a handsome man walking in a shopping mall yawning all the time, it is very high possibility that it’s me. So be nice hehe 🙂

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Summary – Lesson learnt from movies I watched
There are millions of movies (if counted from the beginning of time of course) in the world, we just cannot watch them all. Yes, we need to choose. Read the review and check whether it will benefit us or not Movies are supposed to be pure entertainment. I do not agree. If I’ going to lose two hours of my life. I better get something out of it

List of movies I watched and important knowledge gained

1) Lord of The Ring

  • The most powerful and evil ring has only one power. Obsession which is desire, if not controlled properly will corrupt everything

2) Princess Diary 1

  • You can only be hurt if you allow yourself to be hurt (The queen’s bodyguard advice to the princess)

3) Phenomenon

  • It is human very nature to fear what they don’t understand.
  • We are blessed with so much potential. Some of those we aware and some we don’t. In the end, it depends on what we do with it

4) Jumanji

  • Being a grown up means you take responsibility of what you did

/end list

No, learning something from movies you watch is not a turn off. It actually
make the movie easier to remember.

How about you guys? Any lesson you learned from movies you watched? 🙂

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Previously in the comment of “Blog Warming Session“, I was asked to calculate a lengthy mathematical question using only my mind. Thanx to that, the rusted corner of mathematical solving department in my brain was working overtime hehe.

It reminds me though of a trick you can try on your children, or young “adult”.


  1. First of all, you must have that look like a psychic ready to posses those of weaker soul (to create that aura of you having real magic.. pretty much like the picture above minus the green)
  2. Hand the victim a calculator

The trick

You – Are you ready? I’m going to show you that I can actually read your mind… ok think of a number.. any number, let’s make it harder.. any number between 1 and 100. Done?

Victim – Yeah right, ok done. (he’s thinking of number 34)

You – Is that it? I can give the number straight away la.. make it harder lah. You multiply the number with 2. Here use this calculator

Victim – ok (34 X 2 = 68)

You – What else? ok try add the result with 5

Victim – ok (68 + 5 = 73)

You – Hm still too easy.. try multiply the total with 40.. no make it 50 lah

Victim – ok, whatever (73 X 50 = 3650)

You – oh ya we had done multiply and addition, we forget minus. you minus la that total with let say.. the number of days in a year…

Victim – number of days? 365? ok (3650 – 365 = 3285). So how long do I have to do this?

You – You had enough is it? ok lah… give me the total now. no no no, make it harder. otherwise you will think I’m just bluffing. You think of another number between 1 and 100. Add that number to the total just now.

Victim – this is the last right? ok done (he choose 57.. 3285 + 57 = 3342)

You – (looking more mysterious than ever) Give me the total number now

Victim – it’s 3342

You – That is actually your lucky number. Believe me, (looking bored) and by the way your first number is 34 and your second is 57.. you can go now

Victim – WTF

/end script

I guess you must all experienced this type of trick before right? Well, feel free to test this one on your unsuspecting victim. Oh ya to know what’s the number the victim thought. You just add the total with 115 (3342 + 115 = 3457). Can guess now, which one is the first number and which is the second?

What you do with this is totally up to you. But please, for the love of God.. Don’t try to flirt with magic trick.

————— Personal Note ————————–
It’s actually one of my hobby doing tricks. Not the commercialized one like in tv shows etc, it’s just of very basic type. And yes, one of my childhood (age 12) memory involving wooing girls with magic trick… hahah why cant I just forget those embarassing ones? Oh ya to humiliate me from time to time 🙂 Suffice to say.. it’s humiliatingKnow any tricks can share? (sincere attempt to change the topics hehe)

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An Experiment – Can you read this?

“I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit any porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt”

This is actually sent to me via email. I however still believe that spelling is most important in a word. But it is interesting though. A few conclusion I can draw from this experiment are –

  • I believe only english will have this effect since English words are usually very specific. If a Bahasa Malaysia word “Memahami” is changed, I doubt we will be able to read it – Mmamhaei
  • Maybe it is imprinted in our way of thinking that what matter are only the beginning and the end. That is why when we watch a movie, we expect the ending to be conclusive. If for example, the movie had a “to-be-continued” type of ending, people tends to be frustrated with it ~ Matrix 2 etc
  • Maybe we are so used to spelling error in sms that this is no different

————— Personal Note ————————–
English wise, I was very active since I’m in Standard 4. I competed in a story telling competition in both Standard 4 and 5. There was one incident I will never forget. I was in standard 5. And before going to the interschool competetion, the teachers had organized a rehearsel for me to do the storytelling in front of the whole pupil of my school. It would be some sort of preparation. I had no problem with that. I was then up there on the stage, giving all my best when suddenly I heard some voices from just in front of the stage. They were actually trying to distract me by giving comments on my attire, my look and even my nostril hahaha. They actually succeeded when I forget entirely my script. And in the middle of the story, I walked away very embarassed. The teacher was ever angry with me, but I don’t care, I actually did however win the interschool competition but lose when further representing the district. 🙂

So dear friends, do you have embarassing moments back in school years? Share it la… let’s be embarassed together hehe 🙂

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