Just a few days back I read in The Star about the newest scientific finding about yawning. I tried to find the source in thestar online but to no avail. So I checked the google and this is apparently where the news come from. Click Here.
Just to summarize – Previously we thought that yawning is a sign of sleepiness. Then there’s that theory that yawning is supposed to supply us with extra volume of oxygen to be supplied to the brain, making us more awake. The new finding however said that yawning is actually meant to cool down the brain temperature for it to be awake.
Now why do I find this interesting? Because finally the biggest mystery in my life was explained which is why yawning is contagious. You do realize that, when ever another person yawn, it is almost surely we will yawn anytime soon. I’ve been wondering for so long already. According to the study, contagious yawn maybe evolved to help groups remain vigilant against danger, for example taking guard duty at night time. (Just want to share with you)
The funny thing is…. human have been around for what? thousands of years? and we still haven’t figure out why we yawn. Theories arised but they are constantly challenged and corrected. We just have no idea.
In the end, it is proven that yawning is for our own good. It has always been. Maybe… just maybe, we should always think positive to those thing that we don’t understand (yet) and beyond our control such as nightmare, menopause (not that I have one :p) etc.
Amazingly they researched yawning… I wonder what else we should research on?
————— Personal Note ————————–
A friend of mine actually taught me to yawn everytime my lense is dry. This was when I started to use lense way years before. It actually work. Whenever I stuck in a heavily-air-conditioned mall, my eyes will get dry. That’s how I solved that problem. So if you see a handsome man walking in a shopping mall yawning all the time, it is very high possibility that it’s me. So be nice hehe 🙂