Summary – Lesson learnt from a dream about being a ninja
I’m going to share you a dream I had the other day. Be warned, that it is a dream. And dreams are known to be very ridiculous. This one’s too. But I discovered one thing about myself in this dream, and that is what I want to share with you. Don’t worry, the dream is only 3 paragraphs long.
I had a colleague in the dream. I don’t know who he is in real life but in the dream we were very close friend. He and I were supposed to do one very important presentation to the CEO of my company. I was totally convinced that if I didn’t make it to the presentation, I will be fired.
We are doing our work in our office, and all of a sudden there are ninjas everywhere appearing and they seemed to want to catch us. Just like the movie Matrix, I suddenly possessed all the skills of a ninja, the agility, the ability to hide in the corner of the ceiling. It was amazing and I was actually having fun.
We were running and hiding from the ninjas until suddenly I realized that the ninjas had had plenty of chance to catch us but they didn’t. It’s as if they were humoring us. Giving us a chance to enjoy being a ninja. And then I remember my presentation and how all this hiding and running had deter me from going to the presentation. I then told my colleague that I’ve had enough of this, and even though there were ninjas surrounding us, we just walked out the front door to go to the presentation. My assumption was correct. The ninjas had no intention of catching us. They were also not trying to delay us from the presentation. They just did what they were supposed to do.
/end dream
I thought it was such a cool dream, I was having second thought about waking up. I learnt a few lesson though from the dream.
- Distraction is like a ninja. Television is created to be watched, internet to be surfed etc. Whether or not they are a distraction will entirely be up to you. If you watch television while you are working, obviously it will be a distraction.
- Stop blaming distraction. They were not created solely for the purpose of distracting me. They were just doing their job. Just like I am supposed to do my job.
- No weight is impossibly heavy. Certain things felt like they are a matter of life and death. However, if you really stop thinking about it, take a step back and observe, these problems are really not that difficult to deal with.
- Other things are usually more fun. Doing other things which is not related to your goals is always more fun than working on your goals. It is very difficult to differentiate the two. And it will be hundreds times more difficult to choose between the two.
– I wonder –
Any interesting dreams you would like to share? I’m in the mood of intrepreting dreams 🙂
————- Personal Note ————
I once read that life is supposed to be hard. When you are feeling very relaxed all year long, that is a sign that something is not right somewhere. I have a mixed reaction (between agreeing and disagreing) to this, what do you think?
Photo Credit – Lachlan Hardy