Summary – The small things matter
I started my day yesterday lazily. Very tyical routine, when suddenly a woman stopped me while I was riding my motorcycle to work. She is the teacher of the local kindergarten here.
Not that she is interested to know me, she actually wanted to tell me that there is a breaking and entering at the kindergarten last night.
I was shocked. What could the culprit possibly assume to find in a kindergarten? Money? Computer? guess what, the only thing missing were the stationery of the children – pencils, eraser, color pencils etc.. I’m not even sure if they can make money from that.
Another guess would be that they just feel like terrorizing someplace. And the kindergarten is unfortunately that someplace for the night. Can you believe this… people damaging other’s property simply because they feel like terrorizing?
Believe me, things will only get worse. The cuplrit possibly will upgrade their vandalism to other object, house or vehicles maybe.. and later on maybe on people and hence the raping or the mugging.
Now, we can’t change other people. But we can change ourselves. Make a conscious decision to avoid doing anything immoral, however little it is. All things bad started that way. An example, You make a habit of throwing rubbish everywhere. Soon, you will start thinking that the rubbish bin is of no use. It is better used as a mean of communication, and so you use that talent of yours to draw cryptic messages on the bin.
After a while, it seems that the cryptic message is just too cryptic, nobody understands it. So you changed them to a more familiar language, insult or cursing words.
That will lead to an angrier you, always cursing and swearing, and the thing you are most angry about is the rubbish bin. So you vandalise it, thinking that you are just making a good use to an unused bin.
You now eyed at other things… hm that kindergarten look interesting to vandalize, nobody will be harm, right?
/end example
It ALWAYs start with the most ridiculously small thing. What we can do is to stop right there. Stop throwing rubbish everywhere, Flush your toilet after use, Say thank you to the waitress attending to you etc.
It starts here
– I wonder –
What other small habits can we start right now?