Starting yesterday’s at 6.00pm, my younger brother, DaPocket, is now someone’s husband. In other word he is now a married man. Today’s post will be dedicated to the function 🙂

Hantaran @ gift

“Hantaran” or gift from the groom to the bride

Maskahwin @ Dowry

“Maskahwin” or the dowry

The Convoy

The family members

The Mosque

The mosque where the wedding took place

Bride & Groom

The Bride & Groom (In white clothes)


Akad Nikah or the vow

Light Tea

Light tea after the ceremony – Laksa 🙂

Well, I’m sure there will be more pictures in DaPocket’s blog once he updated it. Anyway, what do you think of my first attempt to be the wedding photographer?

Today, there will be a feast at the bride’s house. Tomorrow (10th), it will be at my house. if you are available here in Kedah, you are invited 🙂

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Summary – Unconditional Love

I’m very sorry for not posting, it has been a very busy day these past few days. I’m preparing for my brother’s wedding.

It’s time like this that we usually understand what unconditional love means. Loving someone, and prepare to give everything we had just to make things work for him/her. Most importantly, there’s no rewards or payback insisted.

This is in my opinion of the greatest paradox in life. Allow me to explain..

When we talk about unconditional love, what exactly do we aim to achieve by talking about it? Most of the time we want to be on the receiving end of the unconditional love. Meaning, we really like it if there’s a person or two that actually love us unconditionally.

The only way we can be loved unconditionally by someone, is by actually loving that someone unconditionally. No other way. Here’s where it become interesting.

If we love someone with the intention to be loved, then there’s not “Unconditional”. In fact that is very conditional.

I’m sorry to break it to you, but there’s no way we can ask for unconditional love. We can only give it away.

So guys… let’s start with the family, Give away your unconditional love. If your mother ask you to drive her, do it with a smile. It’s the least we can do after the life-threatening experience she had when we were born. Never expect she will chip in with the petrol or toll.

Some people in life deserve that…

– I wonder –
Has anyone ever do the same to you, offering you help when there’s nothing he can gain back from you?

—————- Personal Note ————–
I’m sorry for the typo, but the wedding is not yesterday. It is actually today about 5 hours from the time I’m typing this.

The next day there will be a small feast at the bride’s house, and the next day after that (Sunday), it will be at my house 🙂

Anybody in Kedah? You’re invited 🙂

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Summary – Important to establish these 5 very early in a marriage

Tomorrow is going to be the biggest day in my brother’s life, DaPocket. No more a bachelor, he will then be a husband 🙂

Things will be quite different after you get married. I’ve stressed this in the past, and I think it is that important to stress it again now. However, no need to worry, the changes is only for the better.

Unless both of you had married before, you will have no idea what to expect. So this is my early gift to you.. A list of things you should establish very early in your marriage.

1) To err is human. Establish with her that you will make mistake, she will make mistake. When any of you did make a mistake, the other should be able to forgive. You may not like it if she call you when you’re working, she may accidentally called you. So please forgive her. It will take some time for her to know you.

2) New parents. Her family is now your family, and so is your family is now hers. Family will always come first. And both of you must understand that. Never ever use family as tools in your marriage. For example, “I will not let you visit your folk if you keep bothering me when I work!”. These types of talk should never come across your mind.

3) Money spending. This is a very sensitive issue. She works and you work. Establish very early how the both of you are going to spend your money. How much to save? Who will have the final say as such. Bear in mind, that in Islam, a working wife’s salary is hers to keep. You should not be using that money for the family unless she’s willingly give you the money.

4) Bad day. Sometimes bad days happen. The two of you may argue on a matter. Establish how both of you are going to end the argument. Personally I’m practising the rule that neither of us (me and the mrs) should go to bed angry. We settle any argument or hurt feeling beforehand. Alhamdulillah, so far it’s working quite well

5) Alone Time. Both of you must understand this very clearly. yes, you two now a partner in life, and must share everything. But, there will be time when all we need is some alone time. A time for us to do what we want. I am thankful that the mrs (my mrs of course) is very understanding of my blogging activity. She would give me some alone time for this. Just remember, alone time doesn’t mean that you dislike the company. You just need some time just for you.

– I wonder –
what else do you guys think, of things we should be established before hand?

———— Personal Note —————
At the moment I’m posting this articles, I am probably already on the highway half way back. Tomorrow it will be busy busy day, cleaning up the house, putting up some decoration.

Will definitely post up pictures later.. 🙂

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My Uncle's Car Involved In Accident

Summary – Is It Worth It?

Did I tell you I’m going back to Kedah (my hometown) this evening for DaPocket’s wedding. It’ll be a long drive of about 600km.

This time around, especially with the Chinese New Year around the corner, there will usually be an increase rate of accidents throughout the country. I however think that there are 4 words that if applied during driving, the risk of getting into an accidents will reduced drastically.

The words are – Is It Worth It?

Whenever you are tempted to race with another driver, say it out loud – Is it worth it? Is it worth it to be declared a winner in that dull race while there’s a possibility of being killed?

You are feeling extremely sleepy while driving. You have a choice whether to continue driving or pull over and sleep for a while. Is it really worth it to reach home 20 minutes earlier when you most probably will pass out driving and hit a pedestrian.

For motorcyclist, it is always more comfortable not wearing a helmet. But ask yourself, is it worth it to fall into a coma after the accident for the sake of 30 minutes of comfortability?

The fact is despite all our effort, road accidents still happen around the world. I”m sure everyone involved know the danger of accident but it still happen. Why?

My theory is each person must find their very own method on how to keep themselves safe. Mine is these 4 words.

– I wonder –
What’s yours?

———– Personal Note ————–
After work today, around 5pm, I will start my journey back home. I will be on leave from work until 12th. Not that I’m celebrating the new year. It is actually for preparing for DaPocket’s wedding.

Anyone in Kedah, that time?

* Kedah is the northern state of Malaysia 

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