Summary – How “Periuk” and “Kerak” explain life
For those who may not recognize the superhero wearing the red mask in the previous entry, he is Flash Gordon, one of the superheroes in comics. He is able to move faster than superman (shown in Smallville).
Imagine, if we were blessed with the ability to move that fast, what do we do with it? I personally will be able to go back to Kedah on a daily basis, Maybe visit each country around the world one every weekend. Finished all my work around the mill in minutes. Wow if only…
Seriously… if I am able to move that fast, do you think I will be able to do everything? No… I will not.
There is a Malay idiom that says – “Lagi besar periuk, lagi besar keraknya”, hm I’m not sure what “kerak” is in English. Somebody who knows, please help. It is those burnt rice left stuck to the pot. But generally it means that the more you get, the more it will take from you.
For example, when I am a student, I was given a monthly allowance of RM220 per month. Inflation aside, I was able to enjoy my life even with only RM220. I am still able to go ice skating at Sunway Pyramid once in two weeks. Still able to eat “decent” food, and even gain extra kg.
I was thinking, hmm when I started working, and my salary is within the 4 digit figure. I will live like kings. 🙂 Now that I’m working, I really do live like King… King Kong hahah. (That was before you… dear <– meant for my wife eheh).
During my bachelor working years, to my surprise, I’m still living from paycheck to paycheck. Not much money to do that round the Malaysia trip I dreamt etc. Of course I had commitments like new bills, the cars, the saving for marriage etc.
The more money I get, the more bills I have to pay, I guess it is because our lifestyle adapt to the changes in our life.
This does not only cover financial changes. Apparently other thing as well, like –
- the more paperwork I finished, the more will pile up by the end of the day.
- my gmail inbox, it seems the more GB of storage I was given, the more spam I received.
Isn’t life weird?