Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

So how do you feel when today’s your birthday? Happy? teenagers will definitely be happy, with all the parties and gift. However when we are older, ehem, more mature with age, the definition of birthday changed drastically.

Some may think of it as a celebration of life, honouring every experience we had gone through (first love, heart broken and career advancement etc) and expecting the best from those yet to come.

Another prefer to think that we are that much closer to our end. It is the time to reevaluate all goals still not achieved, dreams and sometime the meaning of life.

There are so many ways to go through one’s birthday. You can be depressed about it, You can choose to ignore it entirely. Some may react with a total change of lifestyle. The popular term for this is “midlife crisis”. Typical examples are like suddenly buy an expensive car, or started to dress strangely etc.

In my opinion, there is no right or wrong on how you celebrate your birthday. You can be happy or depressed. It’s entirely up to you. The ultimate fact will still be that we are getting older with every seconds passing by (happy or depressed). So how ever it is you react, just consider what good will that reaction be for you. For example:

  • If reevaluation of life’s goal will be beneficial, do that.
  • If being depressed will only make you sad, stop immediately (however emotional you are).

We can be emotional, that’s just human but not to the expense we stop living the life we have now and be thankful for it.

————— Personal Note ————————–
Today is a special day. 6th June is my wife’s birthday. Unfortunately she is now at her parent’s home taking care of her elder sister, who just delivered a baby one week ago. Believe me, taking care of her other three children is not an easy job. The children, being children, are always going all out to make their “Makngah” scream every 2 minutes or so. By the time I call her over the phone, she has no voice already heheh. Be strong dear, and know that I will always be there supporting you (100km behind you that is :p ) and oh ya HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

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Cryptic? yes i think so too.According to Wikipedia, Immortality (or eternal life) is the concept of living in physical or spiritual form for an infinite length of time.

What’s this blog is all about anyway?

it’s basically the place for me to highlight the many important fact of life. Any ideas and opinion on the various topics are very much welcomed and appreciated. Thus by learning from each other, we had gained knowledge and wisdom without having to go through the time consuming experience. Still the fact is experience and failure will always be the best teachers in life. There’s no harm right, if we learn from other’s mistake and experience.

There will also be some personal post.You have been warned 🙂

What’s my source?
Most of them will be from my opinion and view of things unless stated otherwise (research etc). As I mentioned earlier, I consider myself as the thread starter. Discussion and gathering other point of view is the whole point of this blog.

There is no such words. I actually intend it to mean “immortal wisdom”. Again, please leave your opinion and thought here. Thanks

Editted on 22nd June 2008 – At first the blog is known as It is later changed to the current

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