Summary – Feeling betrayed
My raya mood is spoilt by today’s incident. An incident of betrayal. At least I feel like being betrayed. It happened last Thursday. Some of the palm oil produced by my mill was stolen. I was informed about it on Saturday.
The culprit was unknown. But I could see footsteps with some oil traces along the way until the fence of the mill compound. And there were footsteps on the other side of the fence indicating that this was a two person job.
I am then unofficially promoted to be the CSI of the mill, examining the crime scene and interviewing the witness. Luckily I watched CSI. π
Today my investigation is complete and the result really spoils everything. There are two prime suspects to the crime, a supervisor and a lab sampler. A few people saw them behaving srangely on the day. To spare you from all the confusing details, the supervisor was seen to drive the shovel transfering the oil and park very near to the crime scene. Normally, the work of transfering oil should be done during the daytime and not 4am in the morning. The lab sampler was also seen at the place.
This is what I meant by feeling betrayed. I am actually a friend to these two. Chatting during breakfast and laughing at each other’s joke. If it is true that they were the culprit (Innocent until proven guilty), I felt like they were actually taking advantage of my friendship with them. One thing I hate most is when people take advantage of other people. Seriously I hate that attitude.
Nevertheless, I haven’t called them up to explain. There is still no prove that they actually did it. I actually had made a plan with 2 workers that I can trust. One will be observing the two’s behavior and if he sees the shovel being parked at strange place, he will immediately call me. And we will try to catch the culprit red handed. I’m very sure that the stealing will stop for a couple of week until everyone forget about the incident. But I intent to catch them in the act,Β soΒ i’llΒ wait
– I wonder –
Have you ever had the same feeling as mine? Feeling betrayed?
———– Personal Note ————–
Unfortunately I can’t pursue the investigation because I am now on leave. Today at 1 pm I will start my journey back to Kedah for the Hari Raya.. (Suddenly my raya mood kicks in.. excitedly happy again hehe)
Please pray for my safe journey