Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

I wrote two entries today The Secret to Infinite Energy In Life and this personal rant. 🙂 Maybe you can read the first entry first for more energy for this one.

This is another entry to complement my quest for a better internet connection. For those readers from Malaysia, I just heard that P1 has officially launched their Wimax services. Now everyone can subscribe to them (provided you are in their coverage area of course) and experience first hand the speed of a wimax connection. These are some of the points I can summarize from their website.

Bad News

  • Currently the coverage is only to KL and Selangor. I hope they will fulfill their promise to cover the whole west side of Malaysia by year end.
  • The modem itself is RM999. That is rather expensive for the average person like me.

Good News

  • You will get the modem FREE if you subscribe to it within the launch promotion (20/8/08 to 30/09/08). If you ever want to subscribe, this will be the best time.
  • The monthly charges is relatively cheap. They are as low as RM 49 per month for a 400kbps. I’m currently using GPRS connection, paying RM90 for a 40Kbps. You can see right why I’m posting this.
  • They are other promotional discounts for 1.2Mbps and 2.4Mbps subscribers.
  • 15 Days Service Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the service, you can opt to unsubscribe.
  • I just noticed that they have a nationwide option in the package. I think this just prove that nationwide coverage is just around the corner. Please God make the corner nearer.

For those who are in the coverage areas, I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t try wimax. It is relatively cheap, faster, wireless, comes with a guarantee, and above all, the modem is now FREE

I envy you

More information on the package at

Update – I found this advertisement posted on Youtube. I think this is a not yet aired advertisement of the service. If only everything is wireless 🙂

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I wrote two articles today, 5 Personal Tips To Improve Shopping List and this personal rant.

For the past few weeks, I have been posting my personal rant on the nature of my slow internet speed and along the way, I was introduced to Wimax as an alternative to the current ISP.

A dear friend of mine had emailed me enquiring more about wimax. In fact the actual question he asked me is what is this wimax I’m talking about.

I realized then that I have never actually introduce and explain what is wimax. No worry, this will be a short post dedicated especially for my friend who may still be confused as to what is this wimax about..

Have you ever been to Starbuck and you see some people actually surf the internet using their laptop? They actually are connected to the internet connection provided by Starbuck. A proper name for it is wifi.

What’s the difference between wifi and your current modem connection?

  • Wifi is wireless. There’s no need for any phone line to connect to internet. Basically you can surf the net walking if you want to.
  • Wifi is operating at a much higher speed (11 – 54Mb/s) than wired broadband.

Now, why am I descibing wifi when I’m supposed to be describing wimax?

The reason is because wimax is generally similar to wifi. It has about the same super speed BUT the range can be up to 50km instead of wifi’s 0.1km. You can basically go to any town within Malaysia and still get connected to the net at very fast speed (theoretically speaking).

And that’s not the best part. According to this website, the monthly subscription cost for wimax is expected to be below RM100 (USD30).

Another good news from the website is that by 2012, 65% of Malaysia will be covered by Wimax. I bet we are going to see a lot of new bloggers then 🙂

p.s. The explanation is intentionally written generally to allow better understanding of what Wimax is. More information on the company providing the service, Packet One at their website –

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Pc Fair

I wrote two entries today – 5 Scenarios Where Procrastination Is A Must and this personal rant.

Yesterday was a day of a mission. A personal mission. My mission should I choose to accept it (which I did) was to go to PC Fair and try out Wimax there. A fairly simple mission but not an easy one I must say.

Just look at the crowd there. People are rushing to check out what’s this wimax is all about. Some may go there just to get the extra big paper bag (Very handy in a PC Fair). I just stick around and see the demonstration done by the presenter there. And I have to admit, I am impressed.

To start with, users will be given a downlink speed of up to 10Mbps. I’m not sure how fast that would be. But I like what I saw at the demonstration.

  • Connection is so fast that watching youtube is like watching the movie right from your computer.
  • Broadband TV is just like watching normal TV, which means that we can actually say aurevoir to ASTRO 🙂

The best thing is we can actually test the Wimax at the luxury of our home. They are currently giving out free Wimax modem to everyone signing up. You will be able to test the speed, latency etc for one whole month, which in my opinion is a pretty good deal. Why would we want to subscribe to a new ISP if we don’t exactly know the quality?

So if you are living or working at the area below, why not join the free trial yourself.

  • Kuala Lumpur City Center
  • Subang Jaya
  • USJ 1 and USJ 2
  • Sentul
  • Setapak
  • Gombak

And since you’re there. you might as well enter the contest they’re having. Just pick up the contest form and answer the easy questions there. You might win yourself some cool printers 🙂

More information at or just visit the booth at PC Fair

There you have it – my findings of Wimax at the PC Fair as promised. Why am I excited on this? 25% of Malaysia will be covered with Wimax by the end of this year. Of course I’m excited 🙂

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I just heard the news that PC Fair is going to be held next week at the usual place. For my fellow friends reading that’s not in Malaysia, PC Fair is an annual event where you can find the cheapest discounted price for all the computer accesories. I usually go there just to brush up on what’s new in the gadget world.

This time, I have another mission. I read in TheStar the other day about free trial of Wimax at the PC Fair. I want to test it out and see whether I am satisfied with that kind of connection. You should too if you’re planning to change later on

And I have so many questions to ask the representative about Wimax. I actually wrote it down in an A4 paper 🙂

One thing for sure, with this trial, I think Wimax will be launched very soon. And when it does it will be as common as GPRS connection nationwide, plus 100 times faster!

Please excuse my excitement, It’s very hard to contain when you’ve been patiently working on turtle-slow connection for years.

Anyone planning to go there too? If you see me, do say hello. I will be there on the 1st August at KLCC, most probably in the evening 🙂 See you there.

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