I wrote two entries today The Secret to Infinite Energy In Life and this personal rant. 🙂 Maybe you can read the first entry first for more energy for this one.
This is another entry to complement my quest for a better internet connection. For those readers from Malaysia, I just heard that P1 has officially launched their Wimax services. Now everyone can subscribe to them (provided you are in their coverage area of course) and experience first hand the speed of a wimax connection. These are some of the points I can summarize from their website.
Bad News
- Currently the coverage is only to KL and Selangor. I hope they will fulfill their promise to cover the whole west side of Malaysia by year end.
- The modem itself is RM999. That is rather expensive for the average person like me.
Good News
- You will get the modem FREE if you subscribe to it within the launch promotion (20/8/08 to 30/09/08). If you ever want to subscribe, this will be the best time.
- The monthly charges is relatively cheap. They are as low as RM 49 per month for a 400kbps. I’m currently using GPRS connection, paying RM90 for a 40Kbps. You can see right why I’m posting this.
- They are other promotional discounts for 1.2Mbps and 2.4Mbps subscribers.
- 15 Days Service Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the service, you can opt to unsubscribe.
- I just noticed that they have a nationwide option in the package. I think this just prove that nationwide coverage is just around the corner. Please God make the corner nearer.
For those who are in the coverage areas, I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t try wimax. It is relatively cheap, faster, wireless, comes with a guarantee, and above all, the modem is now FREE
I envy you
More information on the package at P1.com.my
Update – I found this advertisement posted on Youtube. I think this is a not yet aired advertisement of the service. If only everything is wireless 🙂