I wrote two entries today, the MBBDDH attitude (an attitude that will stop you from getting what you want) and this.
Remember when I complained about the slow internet connection I’m having. I took my own advice and actually did a very thorough research on Wimax. I just need to get better internet connection.
I make some calls, do a lot of online research just to get the status of wimax connectivity here in Malaysia and guess what, finally I found this notice (Refer picture) actually handed to me while I’m shopping the other day.
WiMAX is finally HERE!!
Now remember the speed I mentioned the other day? Downloading a one-hour movie in 1-2 minutes? It’s happening right now.. And I am definitely getting one.
I just hope that the pricing will be affordable. I am now using GPRS type connection and it cost me about RM66/ month for a 5-10kB/s speed. Truthfully for WiMAX speed of about several MB/s I don’t mind at all paying up to RM150 for it. I believe P1 (the company who will be running this WiMAX) will launch the service any time soon.
However, I really hope the speed will be consistently fast and that there is no problem with the weather and all, like our beloved Astro. All this condition met, I will consider myself a satisfied customer already.
This is me imagining.. What will I do with such speed and wireless connectivity?
- Spend less time on the net so I can spend more with my family
- Visit my friends’ blog on a daily basis
- Visit all my network’s site such as 9rules and entrecard
- Maybe started video blogging once a week
- Venturing into podcast
The truth is.. I need the faster connection so that I will be able to spend less time on the net and more time with the new love of my life.. My daughter Zafirah 🙂